
6 products

Frequently Asked Questions

What Materials are Filson Blankets Made From?

Filson blankets are made from wool, cotton, and blends of wool and cotton. With wool’s warmth and durability, it’s an ideal material for blankets. Wool blankets have warmed humans longer than history has been recorded. Our cotton blankets are machine-washable, making them a great option at the campsite, beach or other outdoor uses.

Caring for Filson Blankets

Filson wool and wool-blend blankets should only be dry cleaned. Filson cotton blankets are machine-washable, though the care tags on the blankets should be referenced to confirm proper care.

How Long has Filson Made Blankets

Filson has been in the blanket business since its beginning in 1897. The original company name was Seattle Woolen Manufacturing Company, Pioneer Alaska Clothing and Blanket Manufacturers.

Why Choose Filson Blankets?

Filson has manufactured high-quality, durable, and functional outdoor clothing and gear for well over a century, and that experience is applied to every product Filson makes. Only the best materials are used and the manufacturing meets exacting standards.