Matt Blodgett: Feet on the Ground and Hands in the Work

Matt Blodgett is a full-time construction worker with a penchant for observation. A collection of disposable cameras stowed in his tool belt, jacket, and truck provide the means in which he documents his life experiences in rural Massachusetts.

It’s been coming to me more and more lately.

Usually between 6 and 6:30AM when I’m nearing the state line and about to drive into NY. Our shop is a 40 minute drive over the border from MA.

It’s not the fog in the fields or the rolling green hills.  It’s not the sun peaking through the pines on Rt. 41 or the trusty pick-up I sit in. It’s not the house we’re building today or the foundation we’ll pour tomorrow, and it’s not the beautiful family I have waiting for me at home in the evening.

2It’s a combination of all of these things. A realization that I am exactly where I should be in life.

We live hand to mouth and pay check to pay check. Even a $100 score on a road side 42 Reg Tin Cruiser pinched the bank, but little things like trust in quality are important to me these days. A choice in longevity.

“Might as well have the best”.

3The pictures are a rolling diary I keep of the people and places around me. The cameras I use are disposable and also really durable. Sometimes gas station bought, they can tuck nicely into a tool belt when needed and can roll around on a dash for days without damage. Working construction has allowed me to travel all over the region and spend time in some very beautiful places. I try to take a little away with me from everywhere I go, and the cameras allow me to do that in a very non-threatening way.

In all, I am very blessed.

My wife, my stepdaughter, and my daughter due in early August all keep my feet on the ground and my hands in the work.

I am home.

