Cody Humphrey grew up in Hermiston, Oregon helping out on his family’s farm from the age of nine. As a young man, he spent his days alongside his father bucking hay, changing irrigation pipes, and tending to animals, learning to appreciate discipline and hardwork as lifetime values. Cody comes from a long line of farmers and as Father’s Day approaches, we reached out to him to describe his memories of the outdoors formed with his Dad, who worked with him on the farm and also brought him to the mountains to hunt and fish.
I have been blessed to have a loving father that was such a great role model in mine and my brother’s life. Since I was 2 years old, my dad has had me with him hunting and fishing in the mountains. When I was little and couldn’t walk far he would pack me on his shoulders and carry me for miles.
Every year I looked forward to archery hunting with my dad and brother in the mountains.
One of my favorite memories of my father is when my brother and I would be driving down some country road to go hunting or high up a mountain or down in a canyon chasing Elk with our bow and arrows. My dad was always spoiling us with some sort of snack along the way. When we would be miles away from the pickup, on a long hunt, I could always count on my dad to bring chicken and a biscuit, cheese sticks, apples, and jerky.
We had many laughs and enjoyed being away from all the hustle and bustle of the real world – it’s just me, my dad and brother and trying to harvest an animal on a mountain top in the middle of Oregon.