Father’s Day is right around the corner and at Filson many of our employees wouldn’t be the outdoors enthusiasts they’ve become without the guidance of their Dad. Our fathers have endured many early mornings and painstaking days teaching us how to cast a fly rod, fell a tree, and to safely handle an over-and-under; and we couldn’t be more grateful. Beth W. is our copywriter and shares a story of appreciation for the man that taught her how to fish.
My Dad taught me how to fish when I was basically a toddler. The earliest memories I have are of him showing me how to set a line, the difference between the current and a strike, and how to de-barb my hooks. At almost every major junction in my life, my dad has been there, ready to take me out on the river.
His quiet pride in my fishing skills has bolstered my self-confidence year after year. But that’s not to say he’s always been a fisherman – he was taught to fly fish by his father-in-law. When he was in his mid-thirties, he made his own rod and started tying flies as a hobby. And when I turned 30, he gave me that first rod he made (which is still in pristine condition), so I could practice casting in my front yard. Despite the fact that I out-fish him almost every time we go out on the Yakima river, he’s still enthusiastic about sharing a great day as only two anglers can.